
Perhaps not what you’re used to seeing here, today I am sharing poetry. I have been writing poems for twenty years or more. Writing them in my journal is one thing, sharing them widely is another. My friend and fellow writer, Angie, has been encouraging me to continue writing… and to think about sharing. I’ve been thinking. And thinking some more.

Sometimes my poems deal with motherhood, loss, anxiety, disappointment and love. But some of my poems are simply wordplay. A desire to poke a stick at a seemingly-inert pile of words, just to see what they will do. They’re about fun and entertainment. The first poem I have ever shared, here with you, is such a poem. It’s a poem about how children hear and understand things that adults say, sometimes like the garbled and misunderstood lyrics of a pop song. I hope it will make you smile.


When I was a child

if someone angrily accused me of being


I’d wonder how I resembled a


and what on earth they had against




©2014 Lisa Hassan Scott.



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